quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

Fired for wearing Hijab.

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Fired for wearing Hijab, Muslim woman Hani Khan sues her employer Abercrombie & Fitch

NEW YORK — A US resident Muslim woman named Hani Khan has eventually sued one of the American retailer Abercrombie & Fitch outlets. The woman in question was fired from the San Mateo (California) based Hollister store in the year 2010; upon her refusal to remove her Muslim Hijab. The HR representatives had allegedly demanded Hani Khan not to put on the hijab but since she did not ‘obey’ their orders; she was dismissed.

The firm is now being sued by the woman, accusing them of forcing her to remove the religious head-scarf and ultimately firing her on refusing, informed a Muslim advocacy group. According to Hani Khan, the store mangers of the said San Mateo store had asked her many times to remove the cloth scarf she used to cover her head with. She alleged the managers considered it against the ‘Look Policy’ of the clothing chain and eventually she lost her job in February last year.
The Council of American – Islamic Relation released a statement very recently and detailed that the ‘victim’ had worked at the Abercrombie & Fitch store only for four months when she had to pay the price for refusing to comply with her bosses’ request. The ‘CAIR’ further stated that Hani Khan was forced to quit a job where she was hired wearing the same scarf thus she felt completely unwanted and demoralized. Hani Khan had described that ‘Bill of Rights’ grants and guarantees the US citizens freedom of religion.
However, in her case, added Hani Khan, she was deprived off the freedom of religion thus she felt let down and embarrassed. Following her forced dismissal from her job, Hani approached the ‘US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’ and in September 2010, the commission ruled that Hani was indeed; a victim of discrimination. However, now the woman has sued the firm and wishes to reach an already failed mediation agreement.
A US Muslim woman sued Abercrombie
A US Muslim woman sued Abercrombie & Fitch on Monday for discrimination over her hijab

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