When we call people to Islam and to right conduct, we adopt a characteristic of the Prophets. Allah says: "Say (O Muhammad): This is my way; I call to Allah upon clear knowledge, I and those who follow me. Glory be to Allah! And I am not of those who engage in polytheism." [Sûrah Yûsuf: 108]
Calling to Allah was the overarching concern of all the Prophets and Messengers. They were sent by Allah for that purpose.
We cannot doubt that calling people to Islam and to righteous conduct are among the most important and virtuous of all acts of piety. This makes it all the more important for the person who engages in this noble work to be "upon clear knowledge".
But what does this mean?
The knowledge that a caller to Allah needs is, on the one hand, knowledge of the tenets of faith and of what Allah commands and prohibits. This is obvious. Without sound knowledge of the tenets of faith, how can we call non-Muslims to belief? Without knowledge of what is lawful and prohibited, how can we call people to right conduct? Calling others when one is ignorant oneself brings about more harm than good.
However, "clear knowledge" in Islamic work means much more. It also means that the caller needs to know about the people he or she is calling. What state are they in? How do they understand things? How can they be reached? Furthermore, the caller needs to know how to behave. He or she needs to understand kindness, know how to be gentle, know how to show tact when pointing out people's wrongs and giving advice. The caller needs to know how to exercise patience.
In the same way that calling others to Islam when one is ignorant of its teachings brings about more harm than good; likewise, calling them to the truth without kindness, tact, and an understanding of how to communicates – this also brings about more harm than good.
From this, we can know the conditions that must be fulfilled to qualify a person for this most important task. Some conditions are prerequisites for engaging in calling to Allah. Others are conditions that must be present while calling to Allah. Finally, there are conditions that must be fulfilled after carrying out this vital effort.
The prerequisite for calling to Allah is knowledge. This applies to calling non-Muslims to Islam, calling Muslims to strengthen their faith, and calling sinners away from their misdeeds. A caller must know what a Muslim believes and what is commanded of a Muslim and what is forbidden.
While engaged in the work of calling to Allah, other conditions must be present. These conditions are those of kindness, gentleness, and sensitivity towards those being addressed.
There is one condition that the caller must fulfill afterwards – patience. The caller must endure the abuses of others, their cold indifference, and their rejection. A caller must also bear patiently with those who respond positively and not expect too much at once.
We see all of these conditions fulfilled in the practical example of Luqmân giving advice to his son: "My dear son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient in what befalls you. That is the weightiest of tasks." [Sûrah Luqmân: 17]
We also see them where Allah says: "And who speaks better than he who invites to Allah while he himself does good, and says: 'I am surely of those who submit.' ?" [Sûrah Fussilat: 33]
Therefore, the best in speech are those who invite to Allah, practice what they preach, and are humble before Allah in what they do.
We should consider that short but weighty chapter of the Qur'ân, Sûrah al-`Asr:
By time! Surely the human being is at loss. Except for those who have faith and do righteous deeds and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience.
Faith demands from us knowledge of our religion and the practice of righteous deeds. We must engage in our religious duties and avoid what is prohibited. It also requires from us that we relate to others in a particularly sociable way.
We must exhort one another to truth. This is none other than inviting our fellow human beings to Allah. But this is not something to be engaged in imperiously or in a high-handed manner. The words "exhort one another" show this to be a communal activity, and interaction among equals. Then we must exhort one another to patience. Those who do so are the ones who avoid being at loss, because they are the ones who act upon their knowledge, and show fortitude in calling to Allah.
May Allah bless us to be among them. .
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