المحامي اليمين الدستورية باللغة العربية |
Assalamu waleikum,
Refrigerators want to present good examples of Halal production, the association of refrigerated so worn with the deforestation of the universal (amazon) in a race inlegal deforestation - Brazilian beef as sofriemnto, abuse and even starvation of animals, along with officials of the Sahara CDIAL - divulgasção center of Islam for Latin merica, the GAH group of Islamic Halal slaughter and inspection all of the same group, this has been reported, humiliatingly to induce the officials of the Muslim halal slaughter for the city of Uberlandia reralizar tests obrigatoriois IDA HIV-AIDS. we are still investigating charges that we know that employees are referred to a clinic called AIDS Ubermed.mesmo this test be prohibited in Brazil.
"If the law is breached, the employee may file a lawsuit pleitiando damages and punitive damages and asking for penalties including the application of the law 9029 of 1995, which provides one to two years imprisonment plus a fine penalty including the owner of company, "says the vice-chairman of the labor rights OAB / MG Isabel Dorado.
The Federal Constitution, promulgated on October 5, 1988, brings in several articles, the protection of social rights, including, health, housing, education, and especially to work. They are, in these terms, generic concepts covering the key human rights, fundamental rights, aimed at ensuring better life to the weakest, a positivist view of the Brazilian state.
The law should not be a source of privilege or persecution, but the regulatory instrument of social life that needs to treat all citizens equally. This is the ideological-political content absorbed by the principle of equality and constitutional texts jurisdicizado by current regulations.
Derives from the principle of equal enforcement, especially addressed to the legislature, in order to create conditions that ensure an equal social dignity in all aspects. Moreover, the set of principles regarding the economic organization it follows that the transformation of economic structures also aims at a social equality. Thus, the theme developed in the following article of the ILO in its Convention No. 111:
Article VII - All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
7 - Caput - The rights of workers ...
I - employment protected against arbitrary dismissal without just cause or, in terms of a supplementary law which shall establish severance payment, among other rights.
Inserted in the title referring to social rights, aimed at such devices:
1) the improvement of working conditions on worker protection and the minimum wage and certain conditions (article 7, IV-X), and especially to ensure material equality prohibiting wage difference, of office and criteria admission on grounds of sex, age, color or marital status;
2) discrimination in respect to wages and hiring criteria for handicapped workers;
3) distinction between manual, technical and intellectual or between the respective professionals, ensuring equal rights for workers with permanent employment and independent worker (Art. 7, XXX to XXXII and XXXIV), as well as to ensure balance between work and rest, when establishing the standard working hours not exceeding eight hours and forty-four per week, provided compensation and reduced journey times by agreement or collective bargaining agreement;
4) six-hour shift to work in continuous shifts, except for collective bargaining, weekly rest, vacation leave, etc. (Art. 7, XII to XV).
In Rio Grande do Sul, Ordinance No. 03/93-SSMA, which in an attempt to avoid contagion innocent in contact with material contaminated by the virus in the workplace. However, ask to include such a provision, with the fulcrum discriminatory, only the HIV test, not including testing for other diseases transmitted through contact with infected blood. Many of the Muslim workers who seek to use Brazil and Islamic centers to work soon become entrepreneurs, faced with so many ill-treatment.
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