segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

Halal Web

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Iranian authorities have announced they intend to launch an Islamic internet to counter the influence of the US-dominated World Wide Web.

“Iran will soon create an internet that conforms to Islamic principles, to improve its communication and trade links with the world,” the head of economic affairs with the Iranian presidency, told state news agency Irna in an interview.

Ali Aqamohammadi explained that Iran’s new network will operate in parallel to the World Wide Web and will replace it in Muslim countries in the region.

“We can describe it as a genuinely ‘halal’ network aimed at Muslims on a ethical and moral level. The aim of this network is to increase Iran and the Farsi language’s presence in what has become the most important source of international communication,” Aqamohammadi said

The objectivo of the Halal Web is to indicate which the sites can be acceded for who follows the Islam. The authorities of Teerão guide the access to some occidental sites, and now they had launched plus a tool to fight soft to war. For the Iranian authorities soft to war is a taken war the handle for the enemies of the Islão with the objectivo to corrupt youth to support the sionista Cruzade With the Halal Web the authorities had come to strengthen the DINN and to relembrar that the access to the blocked pages constitutes a crime of offence to the Islão. But if this net controls the access to the Web when the same it is made through a normal linking, much is to skirt the problem using VPN's (Virtual Private Nets).

O objectivo da Halal Web é indicar quais os sites podem serem acedidos por quem segue o Islam. As autoridades de Teerão orientam o acesso a vários sites ocidentais, e agora lançaram mais uma ferramenta para combater soft war.

Para as autoridades iranianas a soft war é uma guerra levada a cabo pelo inimigos do Islão com o objectivo de corromper a juventude a apoiar a Cruzada sionista.Com a Halal Web as autoridades vieram reforçar o DINN e relembrar que o acesso às páginas bloqueadas constitui um crime de ofensa ao Islão. Mas se esta rede controla o acesso à Web quando o mesmo é feito através de uma ligação normal, muito estão a contornar o problema usando VPN’s (Redes Privadas Virtuais).

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