Praise be to Allaah,Firstly:
You should inform a Muslim that a certain food is haraam, esp if the person thinks its halal
plz take care abaut halal from Brazil,I've been told that when you eat Haram and you didn't know you ate Haram it's ok, but if you know you are eating Haram and you are being careless, it's a sin.
However, if one does not investigate and carelessly eats thing without investigating, than a certain extent of blame doe lie upon the shoulds of the individual.
Similarly, if one honestly eats haram without knowing, there will be no sin but there will be disastrous affect of eating haram in our body where our limbs/body would no aid us in performing faraid/wajibaat/sunnaah/nawaafil/aamaal saliha.
Shaitaan gains easy access to us through haraam food,
Texto original em inglês:It is said that shaitaan flows with blood in our body when we eat haraam food.
So, eating halal and performing righteous deeds are directly related because Allah Ta'Ala says in the Glorious Quraan [something to the effect] Ohh you who believe, eat from what is halaal and wholesome and perform righteous deeds.
Presenting the Knowledge of Islam - the Qur'aan and the Sunnah - in Pristine Purity
Presenting the deen as propounded and practised by Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wassallam) and his illustrious Sahaba (RA)
You wouldnt have eaten haram unless u checked every thing properly, us Check the ingrediants, better yet stick to products u know are halal
If you to heed the advice and reminders, and they persist in their haraam actions, then you have to forsake them for the sake of Allaah, and not accept their invitations or accept their donations, as a rebuke to them, and in the hope that they will give up their evil ways.
So whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord and stops consuming Ribaa, shall not be punished for the past”
" Do not backbite each other, would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?” (49:12)
May Allah (mighty and majestic) forgive us all.inshallah this will happen.
And Allaah is the Source of strength.
هل أبكاك عِلم الله فيك؟
Has Allah's knowledge of you ever made you cry?
plz add me for more information abaut eat halal from Brazil,
post here and add me
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