When you have unused rooms in your home, you can make extra income by renting them out. Your prospective renters may be individuals who you know little or nothing about. For this reason, it is important to take precautionary measures prior to agreeing to rent a part of your home to someone. You also want to ensure that the individual fully understands what is expected as an occupant in your home. By relaying this information in advance, you prevent misunderstandings further down the road.
Perform a background check on the individual to obtain credit and criminal history, advises MSN Real Estate. Use websites, such as PeopleSearchNow.com and USSearch.com (see the Resources section). Have your prospective tenant complete and sign an application to provide all of the pertinent information needed with a notification that a background check will be performed.
Verify the individual's income. Ask to see paycheck stubs. Call the employer to verify employment.
Create a written agreement that includes the name of the individual you are renting to. Include the move-in date, length of the lease and other pertinent terms. Have a real estate agent or attorney help you draft a contract.
State in the rental agreement the amount of the deposit that the renter must pay upfront in order to move into your home. If the deposit is refundable, state this information in the agreement. State the conditions that would prevent the deposit from being returned, such as damage to your home.
Document in the rental agreement the date that the renter is expected to pay rent each month. Include the consequences for not paying rent by the due date.
State whether or not the tenant is allowed to make alterations to the area of your home that is being rented. If you don't want the renter to paint the walls or change the locks, for example, state this in the agreement.
Specify the areas of your home that the renter has access to. For instance, you may want the tenant to have access to the basement apartment only. You may allow kitchen privileges, but deny access to the family room.
Mention in the rental agreement whether or not utility costs and other fees are included in the rent. If utility charges are not included, state how much the renter must pay each month for them.
Include in the agreement any responsibilities that are assigned to the renter, such as keeping the rented area of the home clean and cooking separate meals. Include any special policies, such as those for noise or visitors.
Sign and date the rental agreement. Request that the renter sign and date it, also
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