quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

Labor in Quran

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The word(s) "labour" appears 6 time(s) in 6 verse(s) in Quran in Yusuf Ali translation.

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(1) Those who slander such of the believers as give themselves freely to (deeds of) charity, as well as such as can find nothing to give except the fruits of their labour,- and throw ridicule on them,- Allah will throw back their ridicule on them: and they shall have a grievous penalty.
( سورة التوبة , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #79)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(2) He said: "(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): Help me therefore with strength (and labour): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them:
( سورة الكهف , Al-Kahf, Chapter #18, Verse #95)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(3) "Indeed are we shut out (of the fruits of our labour)"
( سورة الواقعة , Al-Waqia, Chapter #56, Verse #67)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(4) "Indeed we are shut out (of the fruits of our labour)!"
( سورة القلم , Al-Qalam, Chapter #68, Verse #27)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(5) labouring (hard), weary,-
( سورة الغاشية , Al-Ghashiya, Chapter #88, Verse #3)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(6) Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard,
( سورة الشرح , Al-Inshirah, Chapter #94, Verse #7)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)


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The word(s) "worker" appears 3 time(s) in 3 verse(s) in Quran in M. Khan translation.
(1) And those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, to them We shall surely give lofty dwellings in Paradise, underneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever. Excellent is the reward for the workers.
( سورة العنكبوت , Al-Ankaboot, Chapter #29, Verse #58)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(2) For the like of this let the workers work.
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #61)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(3) And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent a reward for the (pious, good) workers!"
( سورة الزمر , Az-Zumar, Chapter #39, Verse #74)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian,

The word(s) "worker" appears 4 time(s) in 4 verse(s) in Quran in Pickthal translation.
(1) The reward of such will be forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever - a bountiful reward for workers!
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #136)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(2) And their Lord hath heard them (and He saith): Lo! I suffer not the work of any worker, male or female, to be lost. Ye proceed one from another. So those who fled and were driven forth from their homes and suffered damage for My cause, and fought and were slain, verily I shall remit their evil deeds from them and verily I shall bring them into Gardens underneath which rivers flow - A reward from Allah. And with Allah is the fairest of rewards.
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #195)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(3) For the like of this, then, let the workers work.
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #61)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(4) They say: Praise be to Allah, Who hath fulfilled His promise unto us and hath made us inherit the land, sojourning in the Garden where we will! So bounteous is the wage of workers.
( سورة الزمر , Az-Zumar, Chapter #39, Verse #74)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)

The word(s) "worker" appears 6 time(s) in 6 verse(s) in Quran in Shakir translation.
(1) So their Lord accepted their prayer: That I will not waste the work of a worker among you, whether male or female, the one of you being from the other; they, therefore, who fled and were turned out of their homes and persecuted in My way and who fought and were slain, I will most certainly cover their evil deeds, and I will most certainly make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow; a reward from Allah, and with Allah is yet better reward.
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #195)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(2) He said: That in which my Lord has established me is better, therefore you only help me with workers, I will make a fortified barrier between you and them;
( سورة الكهف , Al-Kahf, Chapter #18, Verse #95)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(3) And (as for) those who believe and do good, We will certainly give them abode in the high places in gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; how good the reward of the workers:
( سورة العنكبوت , Al-Ankaboot, Chapter #29, Verse #58)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(4) For the like of this then let the workers work.
( سورة الصافات , As-Saaffat, Chapter #37, Verse #61)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(5) Say: O my people! work in your place, surely I am a worker, so you will come to know.
( سورة الزمر , Az-Zumar, Chapter #39, Verse #39)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)
(6) And they shall say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has made good to us His promise, and He has made us inherit the land; we may abide in the garden where we please; so goodly is the reward of the workers.
( سورة الزمر , Az-Zumar, Chapter #39, Verse #74)
(Arabic, Transliteration, Urdu, Yusuf Ali, Shakir, Picthal, Mohsin Khan, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Melayu, German, Bosnian, Russian)



labour ing (hard), weary,- سورة الغاشية, Ghashiya-Al, Capítulo # 88 , Versículo 3 º )

Those who slander such of the believers as give themselves freely to (deeds of) charity, as well as such as can find nothing to give except the fruits of their labour ,- and throw ridicule on them,- Allah will throw back their ridicule on them: and they shall have a grievous penalty. (2) He said: "(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): Help me therefore with strength (and labour ): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them: "Indeed are we shut out (of the fruits of our labour )" "Indeed we are shut out (of the fruits of our labour )!" Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard.

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