quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011

Muslims demand halal training center.

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Australian Muslim community has called for setting up a halal training centre.
Australia’s top Muslim body has demanded a new taxpayer-funded halal training centre that would prepare refugees for jobs slaughtering animals in rural areas.
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The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) said the centre would help solve the live-animal export dilemma while boosting jobs and maintaining the meat and livestock industry.

AFIC President Ikebal Patel will write to Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig within days to seek financial backing.
Patel insisted that for a “couple of million dollars” taxpayers would get more country jobs, more refugees out of big-city "enclaves" and into work, and a stronger home-grown meat and livestock industry.
“We think the Australian Muslim community can help both the Government and the meat and livestock industry,” said Ikebal Patel.

According to Islamic Sharia designates any food, good or action which is permitted to be used or done by God Almighty.
Not all animals are allowed to be consumed in Islam and for those permitted they have to be killed in a special way so that they are Halal or edible according to Islamic law.

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