Nanotechnology & Catalyst Research Center (NANOCEN), Universiti Malaya, MALAYSIA
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Broad knowledge in petroleum industry: oil and gas testing, gas processing, petroleum refining, petrochemical and oleo-chemicals processes, surfactants and other chemical industries including palm oil.
Held various positions for approximately 13 years (from 1982-1995) in PETRONAS (Petroleum National Oil Company, of Malaysia), in Shell SMDS (Malaysia) in 1997, in Liverpool University (from 1995-1997; 1998-2000), and in University of Malaya (since November 2000)
About the paper :
Nanotechnology in Halal Industry : A New Frontier in Technology
The paper emphasizing on future trend in food manufacturing technology and potential of nanotechnology in food applications.
Abstract :
In today’s competitive market technology, it is essential to keep leadership in the food and food processing industry. Consumers demand fresh authentic, convenient and flavourful food products. The future belongs to new products and new processes, with the goal of enhancing the performance of the product, prolonging the product shelf life and freshness, and improving the safety and quality of food. Nanotechnology is an enabling technology that has the potential to revolutionise the food industry. Nanotechnology can be applied to develop nanoscale materials, controlled delivery systems, contaminant detection and to create nanodevices for molecular and cellular biology.
Nanotechnology involves creating and manipulating organic and inorganic matter at the nanoscale, of less than 100 nanometre. It promises to provide the means for designing nanomaterials: materials with tailor-made physical, chemical and biological properties controlled by defined molecular structures and dynamics. The present molecular biology techniques of genetic modification crops are already forms of what has been termed nanotechnology. Nanotechnology can provide for the future development of far more precise and effective methods of, any other forms of, manipulation of food polymers and polymeric assemblages to provide tailor made improvements of food quality and food safety. Nanotechnology promises not only the creation of novel and precisely defined material properties, it also promises that these materials will have self-assembling, self-healing and maintaining properties.
Detection of very small amounts of chemical contaminants, virus or bacteria in food systems is another potential application of nanotechnology. The ability to design materials at atomic or molecular level is likely to impact on the food industry through the development of coatings, barriers, release devices and novel packaging materials. Nanotechnology also promises to provide a means of altering and manipulating food products to more effectively and efficiently deliver nutrients, proteins and antioxidants to precisely target nutritional and health benefits to a specific site in the human body or to specific cells to enhance their efficacy and bioavailability.
Some companies are already aware of the impact of nanotechnology in the food industry. Research facilities are established, potential applications are under study, although a handful of nano food products are now available in the market. Nevertheless, the tremendous potential will attract more and more competitors into this untapped field.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US
Background/Fields of Expertise:
Anthony Sinskey, Sc.D. is a top authority on metabolic and biopolymer pathway engineering. He is currently a Professor of Microbiology and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and of Health Sciences & Technology at the Harvard-MIT Division of HST. He received his B.S. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and his Sc.D. from MIT. His post-doctoral work was done at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Prof. Sinskey is a co-founder of several biotechnology companies, including Metabolix, Inc., Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Tepha, Inc. He was a Scientific co-founder of Genzyme Corporation. Prof. Sinskey is also a Co-Director of the Malaysia-MIT Biotechnology Partnership Program and the Faculty Director of the MIT Center for Biomedical Innovation. As an authority on biotechnology and business, Prof. Sinskey has been actively involved in the start-up of new biotechnology companies and in consulting with new and established firms. Prof. Sinskey has published over 300 technical reports and papers, holds important patents, serves on the editorial boards of several renowned journals, and is a member of the board of directors of several biotechnology companies.
About the paper :
Building Successful Business Through Research and Development
The paper emphasizing on overcome the challenges that arise from turning innovation into a successful business.
Abstract :
Prof. Sinskey is the Faculty Director of the MIT Center for Biomedical Innovation (CBI). CBI’s mission is to overcome the challenges that arise from the development and implementation of biomedical and technological innovations. Open and transparent collaborations to share knowledge amongst academia, industry and the government are encouraged, with CBI serving as a neutral intermediary. This is called the “safe haven” and is a key factor to successful scientific collaborations that will promote innovation and competition in the research and development field. Other key factors include finding appropriate and qualified corporate partners and faculty investigators who are capable of conducting interdisciplinary research. CBI also initiates breakthrough research that has immediate impacts on healthcare innovation and regulation, including drug development processes and biomanufacturing issues.
Building new business from research and development has many challenging hurdles. The important variables can be put in a formula: P4 + I + T4 + S2 (PITS) = Successful Scientific Factors for new businesses.
This presentation will talk about the PITS and implementation of the PITS in an open innovation environment. Some specific examples from Prof. Sinskey’s experiences as Faculty Director of the MIT CBI will be presented to highlight the PITS principles.
Center for Phytotheraphy and Research (CEPHYR), MAURITIUS
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Fellow of the Linnean Society, London, UK
Fellow of the World Islamic Academy of Science, Amman, Jordan
Fellow of the African Science Institute, USA
Ameenah Gurib-Fakim possessed a strong experience on Research in Science and Technology.
About the paper :
Herbal Products : An engine of Growth for The Halal Industry
The paper will deliberate more on the importance of herbal/alternative medicine in health care industry.
Abstract :
The World Health Organisation reports that over 80% of the world's population depend on herbal medicine for their primary health care. Recent trends have shown that people living in the developed countries are also increasingly turning to herbal medicines. The growth rate for this sector has been estimated to be around 15% annually. While the trend is a good sign for business, it has been observed that the ethical consumerism is demanding for increased certification for these products. The Halal certification is one such label that could boost sales not only for food and medicinal items but also for green cosmetics. This presentation will focus on some of the existing certifications and how the Halal label can boost acceptance and promote sales'.
Malaysia Association of Creativity and Innovation (MACRI), MALAYSIA
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Dato’ Ghazi was a former Senator in the Malaysian Parliament. He is Malaysia’s foremost advocate for innovation and creativity. A Bachelor’s degree holder in accounting from the University of Canterbury, he spent over 36 years in business including those listed on the KL Stock Exchange.
The keynote speaker for the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) 2010, Dato’ Ghazi, is no stranger to the field of Innovation and Creativity, having founded both the Malaysian Association of Creativity & Innovation (MACRI) and the Akademi IQRA. His passion to drive innovation was recognised when he was invited to be a member of the Board of Trustees of Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (Malaysian Innovation Foundation).
He has authored several books including “A Credible Political Leader in The New Century: Challenges and Guides” and “Purple Beach™: M3IQRA™ System for Practical Creativity leading to Innovation and Problem Solving”. His second book on Innovation entitled “InnoVictors - Malaysian Champions of Innovation” was launched in April 2010.
About the paper :
Enhancing R&D in The Halal Industry
The paper will deliberate more on strategizing Malaysia as a global halal hub through halal research and innovation.
Abstract :
Understanding fully the true meaning of creativity and innovation as well as research, development and commercialisation is a critical Pre-requisite towards future sustainable growth. The current development in the Halal industry is very much centered in the food and Pharmaceutical industry. There is now an urgent need to focus more on the value-added products and services in the non-food industry such as tourism and education which in itself could generate lots of spin-offs. Tourism as an example involves transport, hotel, food, shopping, education, entertainment, health, sports and leisure business.
In line with the government’s intention to make Malaysia a global Halal Hub by 2020, it is strongly recommended that a Global Halal Research and Innovation Institute (GHaRII ) be established immediately in Cyberjaya and develop it as the next Silicon Valley of the Islamic world ! Present Research bodies at the two universities as well as present and future Halal parks should work hand-in-hand with GHaRII to ensure maximum Effectiveness. The research scope should be both traditional and Non-traditional Halal industry and the innovation adopted should be both Incremental as well as disruptive.
As a strategic approach, GHaRII should also work closely with the soon to be set up "Agensi Inovasi Malaysia" under the prime Minister's department in order to ensure maximum co-ordination of all R&D activities in the country for innovation and commercialisation. One of the key functions of the agency is "to conduct inquiries, survey and analysis of data, research and development relating to innovation and the National innovation eco-system".
Strategic collaboration with well established international research Institutes as well as industries is a must. The entire Halal Ecosystem should also embrace the latest practice of "Open Innovation" as well as "Design Thinking" as a culture. There is absolutely no option: Innovate or Die!
Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism Management, University of Tun Abdul Razak, MALAYSIA.
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Professor Nor Khomar Ishak is currently a professor at the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, and the Director of the Bureau of Excellence in Research and Teaching at University Tun Abdul Razak (Unirazak). She was the Dean of the Faculty from 2006 to 2009.
She has contributed numerous articles in journals and seminar proceedings and has presented papers in national and international seminars. She had facilitated several strategic planning workshops and was often invited as resource person for workshops on the service sector, especially on the hospitality and tourism sub sectors.
Resource Management, Tourism Capacity Management, and Hotel Industry Strategy. She was the first President of the Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia (TEAM) and she was also a board member of the Asia Pacific CHRIE organization.
About the paper :
Innovations in Halal Service Sector
The paper will explain on wide range of possibilities in Halal service sectors.
Abstract :
The unique attributes/characteristics of service products have provided challenges that must be addressed by halal service sector organizations. These unique attributes/characteristics have led to difficulty in ensuring that consistent service quality are delivered, difficulty in determining the products’ prices and costs, difficulty to centralize production, and to mass produced. Thus, management of service organizations tends to take a simplistic approach by focusing only on the facilitating goods – the tangible material purchased or consumed.
These resulted in the lack of service innovations. The service organizations were also inclined to use organizational techniques and theories applicable for the manufacturing sector, thus ignoring the most important aspect of managing service quality that is the customers-service providers’ interaction process. This paper, therefore, would highlight the importance of innovations, in particular the service innovations, in ensuring service quality. The purposes of the paper are to provide an (1) understanding the service industry sector which include the components and importance of the service sector in the Malaysian economy, the concerns and issues relating to its growth, and the external driving forces for innovations; (2) understanding the halal service organizations which looked into the four service components, the implications of service elements and innovations, and the internal driving forces for innovations; and (3) understanding service delivery, which discussed the service delivery process, the Implications of service technology and innovations, innovations in shaping demand levels, innovations in managing supply, and aspects of service leadership.
The growth challenge of the service sector organizations are to find opportunities for developing and deploying technologies, processes and competencies that are aligned with their unique service outputs. In the context of Halal management of service organizations, this requires the redefinitions of their operations, designs and interiors, and financial aspects. In addition, the micro aspects of service delivery process would need special focus.
Food and Health Research, Food and Environment Research Agency, UNITED KINGDOM
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Paul Brereton is Head of Food and Health Research at the Food and Environment Research Agency based in York, UK. He has published over 60 peer reviewed papers on food safety and quality and currently sits on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
Paul currently manages TRACE, an EU integrated project of ~€20M, that comprises a portfolio of international research and training and dissemination activities on food traceability and authenticity. He has close links with the food industry, UK Public sector, academia and the European Commission.
About the paper :
New Approches to Tracing the Origin of Food
The paper will explain on traceability, authenticity, origin, foodmaps gelatin and isoscapes in food.
Abstract :
Recent high profile food incidents in China, US and Europe have emphasised the need for improved procedures for tracing where our food has come from and its route from farm to fork. Although many of the drivers for adopting of good traceability practices differ considerably in different continents they all share the common requirement to be able to track and trace food products along the production chain. There is also a need for food safety and quality reasons to be able to verify the integrity of the food supply.
Within Europe there is an increased emphasis on the need to satisfy an ever more discerning consumers preferance for accurately labelled food. This has translated into a need for traceability systems and methods that can more accurately verify the origin of food and supply accurate and verifiable information on its processing history. It is against this background that the European Union have funded TRACE a 5 year 19M€ research programme aimed at providing systems that can confirm as well as trace the origin of food. Comprising over 50 organisations from Europe, Asia and South America, TRACE is multi disciplinary in nature and involves analytical chemistry, geochemistry, statistics, molecular biology, ICT and consumer science disciplines.
A non proprietary electronic language (TraceCoreXML) has been developed within TRACE to allow for electonic interchange between actors within a traceability chain and has been integrated into a the Tracefood platform ( A wiki containing Good Traceability Practice Guide has also been produced.
Along side developments in tracing and tracing food products new methods of confirming their origin have also been developed. Predictive food maps for determining the origin of food based on the use of climatic and geological markers have been developed. Spectroscopic verification methods and microarray methods for species/variety confirmation have been produced together with novel analytical parameters for compliance assessment.
An overview of the main results from the TRACE project will be provided together with some of the latest developments in the proteomics area that have resulted in a method for the speciation of gelatine; implications for accurate labelling of the food supply, including halal foods will be discussed.
International Technical Director,
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Dr. Heiner Lehr holds a PhD in Natural Sciences (“summa cum laude”) from the Technical University Berlin. In 2003, he joined FoodReg as the International Technical Director of FoodReg AG and Technical Director for FoodReg Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Dr Heiner Lehr has been actively involved in traceability and food information management since 2003. In Thailand, he has been the Lead Consultant for the Thailand National Traceability Project for the Thailand National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards. He was the International Technical Supervisor for the Malaysia Food In-formation and Traceability (M-FIT) Project, a national traceability project for Malaysia. In Vietnam he has designed a traceability system for seafood for the Ministry of Agriculture. He regularly speaks on international conference about food information and traceability. Heiner is very active in palm oil traceability for FoodReg largest private client, Sime Darby, taking special interest in sustainability and green house gas emissions of this commodity.
Dr Heiner Lehr has been appointed a Reviewer for the European Commission to revise the progress of its funded projects.
About the paper :
Traceability and Authencity in the Global Halal Supply Chain
The paper will explain on overall importance of global halal supply chain.
Abstract :
The Global Halal Supply Chain has a number of very particular challenges. First of all, the absence of an accepted international standard gives rise to a vast number of Halal standards and interpretations, not all of which hold up to close scrutiny. As a consequence, Halal supply chain partners and consumers are being exposed to a large number of Halal claims and are in most situations unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. To complicate matters even further most certification schemes do not provide an independent way of confirming the validity of claims and fraud is ubiquitous.
Electronic traceability holds the key to dealing with some of the above issues by (a) providing information independently of the product, (b) providing a more detailed view than is usually available and (c) by spotting inconsistencies and fraudulent behaviour. Consumers interested in consuming food that is Halal and Toyyiba can use traceability information to choose only those food items that fit their beliefs and preferences.
In this paper we outline a generic Halal traceability system and its components and report on the recent implementation of the Halal track & trace system for HDC.
Yakin IT Sdn Bhd., Malaysia
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Robert is the founder and International Director of FoodReg AG, which provides automated record-keeping and controls for the food industry and which is a pioneer in food traceability solutions and computerised food safety programmes. Furthermore he is the founder and Chairman of Olzet Solutions SA, which provides consultancy and project implementation services across Europe to companies implementing product traceability and supply chain execution projects, and the founder of Olzet Seguridad Alimentaria SA, which provides similar services to the food industry in Spain.
About the paper :
Traceabilty : Vital to Halal Supply Chain
The paper will explain on the different types of traceability in the context of the halal supply chain.
Abstract :
Traceability has established itself over the last decade as a major tool in the world supply chain for food, cosmetics and pharmaceutics. While food traceability was born in response of food scares, it is understood today as a system that increases the efficiency of the supply chain, guarantees market access and permanence and substantiates claims made about products. Food authenticity in general, as well as adherence to certain (religious) practices, are major issues that can be solved to a large extent with traceability.
In this paper we will define different types of traceability in the context of the Halal supply chain and examine in detail what stakeholders can and should expect from traceability. We will give examples where traceability can be and is used to increase assurance of buyers and consumers. A brief review of regulatory traceability requirements will be given and challenges of global (Halal) traceability pointed out.
Department of Biotechnology Engineering, IIUM, MALAYSIA
About the paper :
Halal Microcarrier Preparation for Vaccine Manifacturing
The paper will explore the potential of Halal microcarriers in pharmaceutical industry.
Abstract :
Microcarriers are tiny beads or particles (matrix) with a surface chemistry that facilitates attachment and growth of anchorage-dependent cells in cell culture processes. Tuning the interactions of cells to the engineered matrix is a major challenge in cell and tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to develop polymeric microcarrier to obtain higher cell density in bioreactor culture for vaccine manufacturing from animal cell thus ensuring the whole process is halal. This cell-carrier was developed from micro-size polystyrene beads (100-150µm) which have been surface modified by UV/ozone treatment and covalent immobilization of by gelatin (bovine and fish) on the material surface. Cell loading test in Vero cell culture was performed to evaluate their performance as carrier system. It was found that the system used was effective to develop gelatin coated polystyrene beads having good microscopic and suspension ability, good surface for cell attachment and proliferation, easy sampling and easy cell recovery with highest maximum cell number obtained with no toxicity to the cells. The novelty of this product includes simple and improved technique to prepare halal microcarrier with cheaper production. In addition, less concentration of microcarrier (3g/L) can be used for cell culture compared to commercial microcarrier (4g/L - 20g/L). Thus, this matrix can be used to substitute commercial microcarriers which were developed from non-halal resources (porcine gelatin) such as Cytodex 3, FACT III, Collagen from Solo Hill, CGEN 102-L and many more. Therefore, the product is applicable for large scale vaccine production and ready for commercialization.
Deputy Dean,
Post Graduate Studies and Research, USM, MALAYSIA
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Obtained Ph. D (Food Sciences), from the University of Nottingham in September 1996. Held various positions including Food Technology Program Chairman, Deputy Dean (Academic and Student Development) and Deputy Dean (Research and Postgraduates studies). Subjects taught include Food Commodity, Food Processing and Preservation, Biochemistry, Nutrition, Thinking Skills and Industrial Quality Management. Currently supervising 13 postgraduates (4 PhD, 9 MSc).
So far has published more than 50 papers in refereed journals, and has won more than 10 research awards (the most recent is BioInno Gold Award in October 2010). 2 patent pendings, 1 commercialized product.
About the paper :
Functional and "Almost -Illegal" Foods in Halal Perspective
The paper will explain on the misconception of functional and almost illegal food which can actually benefits the diversity in food industry especially in Halal.
Abstract :
Arguably, the essence of Halal is rooted in the knowledge, control and integrity.
Food products with beyond-nutrition functions or those products with stated or implied claims have posed many challenges for government authority to control. These products come about as a result of stiff competition between cutting-edge food manufacturers coupled with availability and legality of various novel ingredients in the world functional food market.
These functional foods come with many forms and have been designed to deliver various health-enhancing ingredients with stated and implied health benefits. The values promised by these products also range widely from real to perceived values. It is up to the consumers to interpret actual value contents of a product. As scientists, we may pose the following questions; (a) Will it be acceptable for a Halal functional product to merely deliver perceived values, and (b) Is it necessary for Halal functional products to be truthful in content and intention?
Other than fulfilling the Halal requirements, the functional or “almost-illegal” food products could also be audited to ensure compliance with the food act and regulation in such a way that the stated or implied claims are truthful in content and intention. In the future, the management of Halal functional foods will require in-depth technical knowledge of the science and technology of products and processing, sound management system to control the halalness status and a high level of integrity of the management to ensure the halal functional products are truthful in content and intention. Halal logo shall evolve from the current religious requirements into a caring and compassion of the human values.
Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University of Malaysia, MALAYSIA.
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Professor , Department of Islamic Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah Laws,International Islamic University Malaysia
HDC Syariah Panel
Syariah Committee of AIA International TAKAFUL
Chairman of Syariah Committee of Alliance Islamic Bank
About the paper :
Istihalah : Concept and Application
This paper will discuss regarding the understanding of Istihallah in a wider perspective.
Abstract :
Food Science, Cornell University, US
Background/Fields of Expertise :
Dr. Regenstein is a Professor of Food Science in the Department of Food Science. He also has an appointment in the Field of International Development and serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine. In 2010, he became a member of the Program of Jewish Studies. Dr. Regenstein heads the Cornell Kosher and Halal Food Initiative. He is an Adjunct Professor of Food Science at Kansas State University, where he teaches his kosher and halal course, and has been accepted to the graduate program to supervise distance learning M.S. students.
Dr. Regenstein currently has primary responsibility for three courses: Kosher and Halal Food Regulations, Introduction to Animal Welfare (Animal Science Department) and Environmental Stewardship in the Cornell Community (College Course), and contributes to a number of other courses. In 2003 he received the College of Agriculture and Life Science’s award for Efforts to Promote Multicultural Diversity.
About the paper :
Halal Meats : A Discussion of Stunning Versus Non-Stunning Prior to Slaughter
The paper will discuss in depth on issues of animal stunning prior slaughter.
Abstract :
The provision of halal meat for the Muslim community is an extremely important aspect of following Shariah. Meat (of acceptable halal mammals and birds) requires meeting special requirements including clean feed for the animal, using a sharp knife for slaughter, not sharpening the knife in front of any animal, and not allowing one animal to see another animal being slaughtered. However, the most controversial aspect of the slaughter process at this time is the question of slaughtering with or without prior stunning. The key Shariah requirement is that the animal be alive at the time of slaughter. Stunning can be done reversibly, but there are many questions about whether this can be done with sufficient consistency to assure that all animals are properly stunned and whether there are appropriate indicators that permit Muslim supervisors to be clear that the animal is still alive at the time of slaughter.
Thus, concerns that these standards cannot be met has lead many in the Muslim community to reject stunning, while others within the community do accept pre-slaughter stunning although it remains unclear as to whether most Muslims are aware that some of the meat sold as halal is actually from stunned animals and if they support such a practice. Generally, the Muslim community seems to be opposed to post-slaughter stunning as it is believed to hasten the actual death of the halal slaughtered animal.
The challenge for the Muslim community is to develop a system of identifying meats as being stunned or not-stunned, so Muslim consumers will be able to purchase meat meeting their needs, but at the same time the entire community needs to support both choices, especially with respect to the secular world that is challenging the fundamental rights of the religious communities to slaughter according to their religious requirements. And at the same time the Muslim community should be working with the scientific community to improve the animal welfare of religious slaughter consistent with religious requirements and to scientifically demonstrate that religious slaughter when done right is at least as humane as other forms of slaughter and may even be superior.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, USM, MALAYSIA
Background/Fields of Expertise :
• Appointed as Halal Trainer for HDC (Halal Industrry Development Corporation) and Chairman for Drafting the
• Malaysian Halal Pharmaceutical Guidelines and recipient of 2010 HDC Halal Scientist Award.
• Involved in the Halal Index concept and compilation and establishing methods of analysis.
• Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy of local medicinal plants possessing activities to kidney stone, antiangiogenesis and related diseases.
• He has published more than 250 scientific articles (in journals, monographs, proceedings, abstracts) at international, regional and national levels and several books and monographs including an Index of Malaysian Medicinal Plants.
• Appointed as member of the Editorial Board for Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants. 2000-2010
• Invited member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2005-2010.
About the paper :
Introduction to the Halal Index
The paper will talk more on the necessity of a proper documentation and trace of product origin.
Abstract :
The basic documentation on the comprehensive listing of ingredients used in the halal industry is left much to be desired and lacking. Such documents are the prime source of reference for manufacturers, formulators, regulators, analysts, scientists and professionals to ascertain the scientific and technical information and data of a particular compounds be it chemicals, drugs or biological.
The unique feature of the halal index is the information based on the origin of the compound and indicating its chemical or biochemical nature and the relevant data to describe. In order to cross refer to other established databases and to precisely establish its identity, the usual feature like CAS registry number, synonyms and nomenclature, chemical formula, molecular weight, percent composition of it elements, structural formula, description of its appearance, melting and boiling points, solubility in solvents, use and therapeutic category. The trade name and supplier or manufacturer is also included. The feature on the origin is indispensable for the decision makers to categorically define and determine the status of halal.
As the number of compounds to be determined is extensive, three approaches in selection are done. Firstly the red list (haram) that specifically includes all substances derived from the pig. Secondly the grey list (masbooh) that includes questionable substances derived from other animals and substance categorised as intoxicants. Thirdly the green list (halal) as consisting of all commonly used substances not classified into the red and grey lists and considered as halal.
Since this exercise requires examining and sieving through of all known compounds, a concerted effort amongst committed and knowledgeable individuals is vital. A comprehensive web database is in the offing and contributions are most welcomed. A sampling of the Halal Index featuring the red, grey and green lists will be presented.
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, MALAYSIA.
Background/Fields of Expertise :
1985: Pharmacist at Ministry of Health
1995: Pharmacist, Head of Licensing Div., Nat. Pahrm. Control Bureau, MOH
1996: Head of Medical Devices Unit, National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, MOH.
1998: Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine
About the paper :
Issues in Halal Pharmaceutical : Oil & Gelatin
Abstract :
Halal should be built into a product not only tested. This statement is very valid for any pharmaceutical product claiming halal. Pharmaceutical is unlike food, the active ingredient in a pharmaceutical product contributes to only a small portion of the whole product. Pharmaceutical are largely consist of excipients which form diluent to the product to deliver the active. Realizing this issue we worked on two very common controversial groups of pharmaceutical excipients. They are the pharmaceutical gelatins and pharmaceutical fatty materials. These two materials can be processed in abundant from our local resources.
Palm oil can be process into excipients in the form of fatty acids such as stearic, palmitic and myristic acids as well as their derivatives, for example glycerine, glycerides, propyline glycol, and sorbitan. Studying the feasibility of palm kernel oil in the area of drug delivery is pertinent so as to promote its halal market value. They can be components for making conventional pharmaceutical dosage forms or in more advance dosage form using the nanotechnology. Our invention is a series of five new bases developed using combinations of Malaysian palm palm oil.
Gelatin has wide applications in pharmaceuticals, being used in the production of capsules, suppositories, wound care products and tablets. The most widely-used gelatins are those originated from porcine and bovine sources. The outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and the quest for halal and kosher gelatin have revived interests in gelatin produced from fish raw materials. Fish gelatin, especially from warm water fish, reportedly possesses similar characteristics to porcine gelatin and may thus be considered as an alternative to mammalian gelatin for use in pharmaceutical products. We produce pharmaceutical gelatin from the Malaysian red tilapia. This is a waste to wealth product as it will also indirectly promotes Malaysian tilapia fillet industry.
CCM Pharmeceuticals Division, MALAYSIA.
Background/Fields of Expertise :
En.Leonard Ariff was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of CCM Duopharma Biotech Berhad cum Director of CCM Pharmaceuticals Division on 1 January 2008. Since 1988, he has worked in various capacities in the legal profession before joining the CCM Group in 1990 where his main responsibilities were in business development at CCM Chemicals Sdn Bhd. In 2000, he assumed the position of Managing Director of Usaha Pharma (M) Sdn Bhd (formerly know as Prima Health Pharmacy (Retail) Sdn Bhd), CCM’s pharmaceuticals retail arm. He then became General Manager of ICI Paints Malaysia Sdn Bhd in 2003 and subsequently as Managing Director before taking on his current appointment. He also holds directorship on the Board of several companies within the CCM Group. He also acts in an advisory capacity at Monash Business School, University Science Malaysia, International Medical University, University Malaya (Pahang/ Penang) and as committee members of Good Governance for Medicines – GGM in the Ministry of Health, Malaysia which addressed to the President of Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries (MOPI).
About the paper :
The Benefits of Halal Pharmaceutical standar - MS2424:2010
syndicate of muslim's slaughtermen,
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