Assalamu waleikum,
The Islamic Political party ]of Brazil is a political organization that typically seeks to influence government.
The Broken GIP Islamic Brazilian Basic doctrine of the Party Islamic Party the Brazilian GIP creation of all the Brazilian Muslen aiming at to be an alternative to the fan existing politician in Brazil at the same time considering ideas that aim at to the social welfare and politician of the Brazilian people considers as base of its doctrine politics, economic and social: 1 - Respect the laws politics of the country; 2 - Economic doctrine based in the ideas of Ibn Khaldun " the father of economia" , Such doctrine has as bedding: a- Not-intervention of the government in the economy, except forbidding the interests, guaranteeing the free competition and to protect the private property; b - The absolute freedom for the private initiative; c - Privatization of all the state-owned companies, leaving to the government the minimum necessary to only manage the country; d - Defense of the reduction of the tax burden only the two taxes; e - Centralization of the currency and its value given in gold and silver; f - End of the interests in the economy; g - full freedom of organization of the workers and masters; h - competition of national companies as of foreign companies exempts in such a way; i - protection of the work and the private property; 3 - Doctrine politics having as base chariah Islamic adapted to a not Muslim State. Having as beddings: - Democratic and liberal state; b - Federalism; c - Respect the constitution; d - Participation politics; e - Combat the doctrines socialist and fascist The GIP will have as motto: Islam, Property and Family. So that an Islamic Party in Brazil? Assalam Waleikum! I have folloied with much affection the quarrel on the creation of the GIP. I and some brothers of Am Bernardo - SP, I costumamos to debate, despite informally, this subject and many questions are raised. , Perhaps most important of all he is: SO THAT WE MUST CREATE AN ISLAMIC PARTY IN BRAZIL? What of the one to perceive he is that all consider that the basic point of this construction would be the Dawa. Some, argue that the space in the media, the gratuitous schedule in the TV and the radio and the participation more effective in the life politics, would promote a significant increase of the Muslen in Brazil. Others, although to agree that this exposition would be interesting, argue that our fragilities in organization terms, size and lack of unit would harm the proper Dawa enormously, a time that these fragilities would hinder in them to answer of efficient form to all the attacks that we would start to suffer as soon as we presented our proposals. It is therefore that I find that we need to reflect sufficiently on this questioning. So that we want to construct this party? But to use to advantage the medias? But to choose stocking dozen of councilmen? Or we want to present a concrete alternative to the Brazilian people, who is not capitalist, nor communist, she is not liberal nor socialist, but it is only exclusively ISLAMIC e? Already I read much legal thing in the communities on this subject, but also already I read true nonsenses! If we, propositores of the foundation of a party, do not have full knowledge of the ideological principles, programmarians, strategical and tactical of it, what the common citizen will say who will receive our message. The trend, in these circumstances, is that the people says: " soon, it comes there plus a group wanting to make comfortable itself in the stewardships of the Estado". It is not for that we must exist, but yes, to present the Islam as alternative to the barbarity the one that the majority of the people is submitted. Examples of evidentes conflicts An Islamic party, obviously, must defend principles that conflict directly with economic aspects, cultural and social in Brazil. What some brothers alert, and I share of these I alert, is that, TODAY, we would not be prepared to face these conflicts. What the Islam considers is one total inversion of the majority of the values cultuados for the Brazilian society. When inverting them, we will be moving with groups we poderosíssimos and we will be weak to face them. Let us see some examples: 1 - the collection of interests is sin in the Islam. This is a principle that must consist in the program of the GIP. Which will be the reaction of the bankers how much to this? You find that they go to be " democráticos" with us? 2 - the same bedidas question becomes related it the commercialization of alcoholic and to the traffic of drugs. Vocês finds that the producers and traders of these substances go to accept our position tranquilamente? 3 - what it moves the medias is the propaganda. They know who are the biggest advertisers? BANKS AND BREWERIES! The TVs and Rádios go to want to see its astronomical profits reduced or go attacking in them daily, moving the popular masses against the Islam? The enemies of the Islam in Brazil are the owners of the three basic parts of the power in a country: the 1 - economic power 2 - the midiático power 3 - the military power They do not have doubts that, for these capitalists (with strong sionistas influences and command) defeating in them, they will launch hand of all the weapons! If not defeating in them economically, they will try to defeat influencing the people through the medias. If, still thus, the people will be of our side, will attack in them militarily. We are prepared to face any one of these possibilities? E sees that they had been only three simple examples… We want to present a concrete alternative to the Brazilian people, who is not capitalist, nor communist, she is not liberal nor socialist, but it is only exclusively ISLAMIC e. For this and to help and to support the Muslen who the party must exist. I invite the brothers of the Cdial to be part of this project. Our moment is for the construction of the bases. Construction of the municipal and state directories and after the national directory. Creation of the program and the statute and the conventions. After this the register of the party in Official gazette of the Uniãoe beginning of the campaign of collect of the 450 a thousand signatures. I answer with full security and tranquilidade, the traders know to profit in any situation, you say that today the main advertisers are the breweries and the banks, but in the previous decades they were the cigarette companies and today she does not have more cigarette propagandas in the media. We have that to be faithful our principles always, if were for defending everything of the skill that is would not need party some. The parties of left with psol, pstu, pco and etc defend the nationalization of everything and the end of the private property and had obtained its existence and them they speak what they want and nobody the combat because with us they would fight? To construct a SERIOUS party is not easy task. I militated in organizations politics of the 15 to the 38 years. When I reverted myself to the Islam, has two years, I abandoned this militancy for believing that it does not have alternative for the future of the humanity in the socialist, capitalist proposals defended for, fascists, Communists and others istas. The future and the release of the barbarity pass, unequivocally, FOR the ISLAM! Thus thinking, it is evident that I believe that we need organizing in them politically while Muslim. E I am certain of that it will not be far from easy… I was one of the founders of a party in 2005 (the PSOL). This party represented the union of some micron-organizations politics (the trends), each one with different thoughts in some aspects. We try to construct a party that accumulated of stocks all the traditions and positionings of socialist in Brazil. They know in what it gave? The PSOL implodiu! Today, it is only plus a party! He does not have the lesser condition to represent a real alternative for the Brazilian people. This crack in the PSOL happened for considering that it has the possibility of terms inside some micron-leaving of one only. If to keep the broken up debate, with brothers defending any another ideology that are not SOLELY the ISLAM, the GIP will pass for the same situation. To collect the 400 a thousand signatures will not be a so difficult task how much it is in unison to present a program defended for the members of the party. It is therefore that I suggest that let us create a movement of Muslen and Muslen in the politics, that has as main objective to debate what it would mean and as would have to be an Islamic Party in Brazil. I find cautious to leave, also, the name of Party in " bath-maria". A movement has much less aggressive a social perception that a party (in such a way on the part of the enemies of the Islam, how much on the part of the population). This movement can pass for experiences diverse politics before if transforming into party. We can dispute social unions, movements and until elections without terms the organized party. This would be a STRATEGY OF ACCUMULATION OF FORCES so that, at as a moment, we presented the creation of the Party. They imagine the difference to create the party today, with brothers and full sisters of will, but with little or no endorsement for the actions, or daqui some years, with the endorsement of these same brothers and involved sisters in diverse activities politics? We will be able, if to start with seriousness, without fear of the debate, to present, for example, candidates the councilman and mayor in cities where let us have forces for in such a way being filiados the parties that are approved by the movement. If to work well, these brothers will be able to contribute with much more time and structure in the campaign for the construction of our party. What I am suggesting is not that if it does not give guiding to the construction of the GIP, but yes that it occurs in stages. 1 - debate and deepening on what the Islam says on all the related aspects to the construction of a Party; 2 - collective construction of one programs
حزب سياسيمن ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
اذهب إلى: تصفح, البحث
الحزب السياسي هو تنظيم سياسي يسعى إلى بلوغ السلطة السياسية داخل الحكومة، وعادة من خلال المشاركة في الحملات الانتخابية. والأحزاب السياسية تمارس الديمقراطية في داخلها من خلال انتخاب أعضائها في أمانات الحزب المختلفة وصولا إلى انتخاب رئيس الحزب، وترشيح أعضاء ينتمون للحزب لخوض الانتخابات.
الأحزاب السياسية كثيراً ما تتبنى أيديولوجية معينة ورؤى، ولكن يمكن أيضا أن تمثل التحالف بين المصالح المتباينة.
تعاريففي العلوم السياسية توجد عدة تعاريف للأحزاب السياسية. تقليديا ركز علماء السياسة على دور الأحزاب السياسية، باعتبارها أدوات للترويج ترشح في الانتخابات للمناصب العامة يعرف الأحزاب السياسية على النحو التالي : "حزب سياسي هو جماعة منظمة رسميا أن يؤدي وظائف وتثقيف الجمهور لقبول النظام فضلا عن الآثار المباشرة أكثر من اهتمامات السياسة العامة، ويشجع الأفراد لتولي المناصب العامة، والتي تشمل وظيفة الربط بين الجمهور ومتخذي القرارات الحكومية. "
مواضيع ذات صلةالائتلاف.
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