L 'affaire des produits Kenza et l'Instituto Halal
Correspondances reçues
Date 31 mai 2011 10:57
Objet :chaine produit Kenza validé par junta islamica Dios mio
salamalaikoum Junta islamica
Je viens de lire que vous avez validé une chaine de production pour les produits Kenza
apres que le consommateur francais à trouvé du porc dans le saucisson de veau halal.
En voyant l'usine de fabrication des produits Kenza, il est évident qu'il y a un gros problème.
Vous perdez de votre crédibilité en voulant rattrapper les erreurs de ce fabricant
qui fabrique dans une usine de porc.
C'est vraiment désolant, nous avons eu le même problème avec la mosquée
de Paris qui vient au secours de AFCAI pour certifier des poulets non halal Doux.
Il faut au contraire ne plus travailler avec ce genre de société qui ne cherche pas
a faire du halal, mais a gagner de l'argent sur le dos des musulmans sans respecter
le principe du halal
De plus la Malaisie comme je l'ai vu sur votre site a renouvelé sa confiance en votre
Dios mio que dieu nous aide sur le vrai chemin du halal
Réponse de l'Institutot halal
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 15:03:29 +0200
Subject: Re: chaine produit Kenza validé par junta islamica Dios mio!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Sir Abdelatif
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatu Alah wa barakatuhu,
I do apologize, but really don´t understand very well the information that
you have sent me. I guess that you are complaining because the Halal institute
has granted a halal certificate for the Company Embutidos Caula.
I need more information about your claim, otherwise, we cannot do anything.
This company has made and investment in order to have a separate line for halal
productions of Sausages.
Some of the Halal suppliers of raw materials are in France. We know that
there are things to be changed and that Muslim must get in action concerning
the halal industry, but it doesn´t worth the attitude of some Muslims which
are trying to defame and disrupt the work of other Muslims.
So, i do apreciate you comments dear brother, but we need that you give
proofs if you wnat to complaint about a company or halal product, because
we are muslims like you and we want to have "real" halal products.
We spend huge efforts, time and money to educate the company and the market,
more than you could think about. So, please, take into account that regarding halal,
the Muslims in Europe are in the same boat. We are not here to gain money
or become rich, we are not such a ambitious. It is more than 30 years
that Junta islamica of Spain has been trying to contribute as much as possible
to develop the religious rights of Muslims.
It is very important that Muslims keep united and cooperate for the benefit of the umma.
Once again, I kindly appreciate your comments.
May Alah strengthen the umma of Islam
Best regards,
Muhammad Escudero Uribe
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