segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011
Introduces law to bring Muslim workers
On the verge of a double-dip recession, unemployment at rarely seen levels, Islamic terrorism at record high levels, and Democrats want to bring workers from Muslim countries to the U.S.? Moreover, they want to send Americans into countries likely hostile to Americans and ruled by sharia law. Taxation for Islamization. via Daily Times – Kerry pushes US-Muslim nation exchanges.
WASHINGTON: US Senator and chairman of Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry, appealed on Tuesday for cementing US ties with the Muslim world with a two-way exchange of professionals like teachers, city planners, and public health workers.
Public health workers? Does Obamacare require importing Muslim health workers? As was heard in this post.
Kerry introduced a bill calling for a three-year pilot programme to draw such workers from Muslim-majority countries to be picked by the US State Department. “This legislation is designed to help build professional capacity, strengthen civil society, and improve ties between the United States and Muslim-majority countries,” he said in a statement. These citizens picked would be 21-40 years old and could also come from civil society, including journalists, leaders of religious-based organisations, or employees of nonprofit organisations, Kerry’s office said in a statement.
More: Kerry to create new professional exchange program with Muslim world
This pilot program would allow young American professionals to spend six months overseas experiencing a new culture in Muslim countries while gaining new work experiences. And it would allow citizens of those countries to spend six months in the United States, where they will gain valuable work skills and see what life in America is all about. In a small but significant way, both journeys will help to lay the groundwork for improved relations going forward.
The International Professional Exchange Act of 2010…
Under the proposed legislation, the US Secretary of State is authorised to establish a three year pilot program to help build professional capacity and contribute professional skills to local communities through a two-way exchange of fellows between the United States and select Muslim-majority countries.
The program does not exclude non-Muslims from participating in the exchange.
How considerate. Dhimmis. The only thing Muslim countries do for America is build mosques to spread sharia law. (If anyone finds a link to the act please share in the comments).
Update, link to bill found, it’s as bad as imagined. Thanks to the Blogmocracy for the link:
(2) FELLOW- The term ‘fellow’ means a college-educated professional who–
(A) is between 21 and 40 years of age; and
(B) has been selected to participate in the Program.
(3) FELLOWSHIP- The term ‘fellowship’ means the vehicle through which inbound and outbound fellows participate in the Program.
(4) INBOUND FELLOW- The term ‘inbound fellow’ means a fellow who is coming to the United States from a Muslim-majority country.
(5) MUSLIM-MAJORITY COUNTRY- The term ‘Muslim-majority country’ means–
(A) a country that is a Member State of the Organization of the Islamic Conference; and
(B) the Republic of Kosovo.
(6) OUTBOUND FELLOW- The term ‘outbound fellow’ means a fellow who is going to a Muslim-majority country from the United States.
(7) PROGRAM- The term ‘Program’ means the 3-year International Professional Exchange Pilot Program established under this Act.
(a) Authorization- The Secretary of State is authorized to establish a 3-year international professional exchange pilot program for–
(1) young professionals in the United States to live and work in a Muslim-majority country; and
(2) young professionals in Muslim-majority countries to live and work in the United States.
Islamization. College educated Muslims between 21-40,
Fellow Workers! Colegas de trabalho!
We are about to disperse after four days of Convention. Estamos prestes a se dispersar após quatro dias de convenção. We have completed the task that we intended to do in this Convention. Nós completamos a tarefa que nos propusemos a fazer na presente Convenção. In our special session we have also reviewed our previous work, to a certain extent. Em nossa sessão especial, temos também revisou o nosso trabalho anterior, em certa medida. Now, before we leave, I would like to have a few words with you—members and associates all—and give the necessary instructions needed to carry on Iqamat al-Din (establishment of Islamic way of life) properly, in the future . Agora, antes de sair, eu gostaria de ter algumas palavras com vocês, membros e todos os associados e dar as instruções necessárias para exercer a Iqamat al-Din (criação do modo de vida islâmico) corretamente, no futuro.
Ta'alluq Billah Ta'alluq Billah
(Attachment with Allah) (Anexo com Deus)
The first and foremost instruction, always given by all the Prophets, the rightly-guided caliphs and the pious among the Ummah (Muslim Community) to their companions had been to inculcate fear of Allah, implant His love in one's heart and to promote attachment with Allah. O lugar da primeira instrução, sempre dado por todos os Profetas, os guiadas Califas bem e os piedosos entre a Umma (comunidade muçulmana) para os seus companheiros tinham sido a inculcar o medo de Deus, o implante de Seu amor em seu coração e promover a ligação com Allah. Hence following their footsteps, I also have chosen it as the first advice to the workers and in future I will continue to do so whenever I get a chance, for it deserves a preferential and priority treatment. Daí seguir seus passos, eu também tê-lo escolhido como o primeiro conselho para os trabalhadores e, no futuro vou continuar a fazê-lo sempre que eu tiver uma chance, por isso merece um tratamento preferencial e prioritário.
Belief in Allah is the most important over all other articles of faith. A crença em Deus é o mais importante de todos os outros artigos de fé. Hence association of heart with Allah should have priority in prayers. Daí a associação do coração de Deus deve ter prioridade nas orações. Fear of Allah should have priority in morals and soliciting the pleasure of Allah should have priority in all personal dealings. Medo de Deus deve ter prioridade na moral e solicitar o prazer de Deus deve ter prioridade em todas as relações pessoais. In short, the proper orientation of our entire life is to be based on the desire to win the pleasure of Allah and this should have priority over all other motives, efforts and endeavours. Em suma, a orientação adequada de toda a nossa vida se baseia no desejo de conquistar o prazer de Deus e isso deve ter prioridade sobre todos os outros motivos, os esforços e empreendimentos. Particularly this hard task of ours, for which we stand as an Islamic Jama'ah (organised group) and a Movement, can only thrive on the motivating force of our attachment with Allah. Particularmente esta difícil tarefa de nós, por que nós estamos como um Jama'ah Islâmica (grupo organizado) e um movimento, só pode prosperar na força motivadora de nossa ligação com Deus. It will be strong or weak in proportion to our attachment with Allah. Vai ser forte ou fraco em proporção ao nosso apego com Deus.
It is an admitted fact that whatever task a man stands for, be it worldly or heavenly, the main force behind has been the purpose for which one has risen, and zeal can only engender when he has deep interest and enthusiasm towards achieving that aim. É um fato admitido que qualquer tarefa que um homem representa, seja mundano ou divino, a principal força por trás tem a finalidade para a qual subiu, e zelo só pode engendrar quando ele tem um profundo interesse e entusiasmo para alcançar esse objectivo. A self-seeker cannot succeed without being selfish. Um buscador de si mesmo não pode ter sucesso sem ser egoísta. Intensity in love for self leads him to the service of his self with the eagerness of the same strength. Intensidade no amor por si mesmo leva-o a serviço de seu self com a ânsia de a mesma força. A man working for his children, by being devoted to their love, sacrifices his own pleasures and comforts for the welfare of his children, and sometimes stakes not only his worldly gains but even the benefits of the Akhirah (Hereafter), so that they may prosper to the utmost. Um homem que trabalha para os seus filhos, por ser dedicado ao seu amor, sacrifica seus próprios prazeres e confortos para o bem-estar de seus filhos, e às vezes está em jogo não apenas a sua ganhos mundanos, mas mesmo os benefícios da Akhirah (Futura), de modo que possam prosperar ao máximo. A man working for his nation or country is a captive of its love and because of this love he endures monetary losses, as well as hardships of detentions and jails. Um homem que trabalha para a sua nação ou país é um prisioneiro do seu amor e por causa deste amor que perdura perdas monetárias, bem como dificuldades de detenções e prisões. He works hard day and night and sometimes even sacrifices his life for the freedom, defence and supremacy of his nation or state. Ele trabalha duro dia e noite e às vezes até sacrifica sua vida pela liberdade de defesa e supremacia de sua nação ou estado.
Now, if we are struggling to establish the Islamic way of life, not for our own selfish ends; neither for any motive of family interests nor any national or state interest but only with sincere desire to please our Creator, Allah Almighty alone, and if we have engaged ourselves in this work only because we are convinced that this is His work, you can certainly realise that this work cannot be advanced unless and until our attachment with Allah is real, strong and deep. Agora, se nós estamos lutando para estabelecer o modo de vida islâmico, não por nossos próprios fins egoístas, nem por qualquer motivo de interesse familiar, nem qualquer interesse nacional ou estadual, mas apenas com o desejo sincero de agradar ao nosso Criador, Deus Todo-Poderoso sozinho, e se temos nos empenhado neste trabalho só porque estamos convencidos de que esta é Sua obra, certamente você pode perceber que este trabalho não pode ser avançada a menos e até o nosso apego com Deus é real, forte e profundo. Zeal for this work develops only when all our inclinations are concentrated in the endeavours for propagating the Word of Allah. Zelo por este trabalho se desenvolve apenas quando todas as nossas inclinações estão concentradas nos esforços para propagar a Palavra de Deus. For all those who have joined hands in this work, it is not enough that they might be connected with "Allah also", but that their connection should be with "Allah only". Para todos aqueles que se deram as mãos neste trabalho, não é suficiente para que eles possam estar ligado com "Deus também", mas que a sua conexão deve ser com "Deus único". In other words, it should not be 'a' connection but 'the' only real and true connection. Em outras palavras, ele não deve ser 'a' conexão, mas "o" real e verdadeiro única conexão. We should always be vigilant and conscious that our attachment with Allah does sot decrease but always increase and gets deeper and deeper with time. Nós devemos estar sempre vigilantes e conscientes de que nosso apego com Deus não diminui sot mas sempre aumentar e é cada vez maior com o tempo.
Attachment with Allah is the main guiding spirit of oar mission. Fixação com Deus é o espírito orientador principal da missão do remo. Praise be to Allah, no member of our Jama'ah is unmindful of this fact and ignorant about its significance. Louvado seja Deus, nenhum membro da nossa Jama'ah está desatento a este fato e ignorantes sobre o seu significado. Yet many are often not clear as to what does the term Ta'alluq Billah exactly mean, what is the method of inculcating and promoting it, and how to find out whether one really has any connection with Allah or not and if one has, then to what degree. No entanto, muitos nem sempre são claras quanto ao que significa o termo Ta'alluq Billah significa exatamente, qual é o método de inculcar e promovê-la, e como descobrir se alguém realmente tem alguma conexão com Deus ou não e se tem, então em que grau. I have often felt that lack of knowledge and under-standing in this respect leaves people in wilderness, knowing not where do they stand and where are they to go and how much distance have they yet to cover. Eu sempre senti que a falta de conhecimento e compreensão a esse respeito deixa as pessoas no deserto, sem saber onde elas estão e onde eles estão para ir e quanto a distância que eles ainda não cobrem. Consequently some of the workers get lost in vague ideals and some get inclined towards ways and methods that never lead them to their destination. Consequentemente, alguns dos trabalhadores de se perder em ideais vagos e alguns ficam inclinados para formas e métodos que nunca conduzi-los ao seu destino. Some find difficulty in differentiating between closely related and far-related things—and someone is just astounded. Alguns têm dificuldade em diferenciar intimamente relacionados e muito relacionada com as coisas e alguém está apenas surpreso.
I shall not, therefore, only confine myself to advice about Ta'alluq Billah but also, try to present clear cut answers to the said questions, to the best of my knowledge. Não vou, portanto, apenas limito-me a conselhos sobre Ta'alluq Billah, mas também, tentar apresentar respostas bem clara a questão, disse, ao melhor de meu conhecimento.
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