segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011

Muslim's slaughtermen union in Brazil enters in general strike

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Workplace bullying is halal??????


Today it had a general strike in São Paulo (Brazil) of that bleeds Muslim, demanding better conditions of life, between these claims was of feeding, housing and wage, on the part of CDIAL HALAL/Inspection of halal food, companies of the GAH HALAL  Group of slaughter Halal, this improvement will be cured. Insha Allaah.

company seara, accused for the strikers, of  Humiliation and Mobbing siege to the Muslen

 muslim's slaughtermen in Brazil in strike.

supervisors of the Iranian purchaser - measured necessary against the fraud in the process.

atheistic women who had worked in the place of the muslim's slaughtermen

Syndicate of muslim's slaughtermen, Since 2009

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