quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

Rolim capacita sangradores - training of bleeders

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Com base na ascensão do mercado de borracha natural e na renda alternativa, a Prefeitura de Rolim de Moura, juntamente com Ceplac e a Hevea-tec, iniciou nesta quarta-feira, 01/12, um curso de Sangradores de Seringueira.

A idéia é investir na cultura, por meio da capacitação dos profissionais envolvidos na extração do látex, impulsionando a atividade na região. Cerca de 30 pessoas, entre acadêmicos, técnicos e heveicultores estiveram presentes.
Durante o primeiro dia do curso, coordenado pela Secretaria Municipal de Agricultura e Meio Ambiente (Semam) e que segue até a próxima sexta-feira, 03/12, os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de aprofundarem seus conhecimentos teóricos sobre a maneira mais adequada para a realização da sangria, além de obterem dicas de como contabilizar o faturamento para a projeção da rentabilidade anual.
Para o palestrante, Lourival César Tavares, técnico Agrícola da Hevea-Tec de Rondonópolis – MT, quando se utiliza as técnicas apropriadas há um aproveitamento total do trabalho, evitando o desperdício do material, aumentando o lucro e o tempo de aproveitamento da árvore e atividade. “Não é somente chegar e cortar a casca; há uma importância no desenvolvimento corporal durante a sangria e a necessidade de se fazê-lo corretamente, favorecendo o desenvolvimento natural da árvore para que se possa ter um maior rendimento, sem queda na produção ou diferença no faturamento”, enalteceu Lourival.De acordo com o Secretário da Semam, Osní Ortiz, a meta é impulsionar o cultivo, tendo em vista o aumento da produção e maior aproveitamento da cultura na região da Zona da Mata. “É uma oportunidade que estão tendo para impulsionar a atividade, com aprofundamento no conhecimento do material utilizado na extração do látex e as formas adequadas para assim realizá-la”, ressaltou o Secretário.
Vídeos com as técnicas de sangria e uma palestra no campo marcaram o primeiro dia do Curso, iniciado no Auditório da Seman e continuado no Campus de Agronomia da Universidade Federal de Rondônia – Unir, localizada na Linha 184, km 15, ao lado norte.
Seringueira - é uma árvore da família das Euphorbiaceae (Hevea brasiliensis) de folhascompostas, flores pequeninas e reunidas em amplas panículas, cuja madeira é branca e leve, e de cujo látex se fabrica a borracha. Seu fruto encontra-se em uma grande cápsula com sementesricas em óleo, que pode servir de matéria-prima para resinasvernizes e tintas[1]
O trabalhador que retira o látex da seringueira chama-se seringueiro.
A seringueira é uma árvore originária da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Amazonas, onde existia em abundância e com exclusividade, características que geraram o extrativismo e o chamado ciclo da borracha, período da história brasileira de muita riqueza e pujança para a região amazônica. A espécie foi introduzida na Bahia por volta de 1906 [2]
O ciclo da borracha entra em declínio quando grandes hortos foram plantados por ingleses, para fins de exploração, no continente africano tropical, na Malásia e no Sri Lanka,
A partir de 1827, o Brasil inicia a exportação de borracha natural, cujo uso como matéria primapara a indústria se generaliza. Na década de 1840, a invenção do processo de vulcanização, porCharles Goodyear, possibilita o início da produção de pneus - a princípio para veículos de tração animal.
O crescimento da exploração da seringueira no Amazonas estimula o crescimento demográfico da região, graças ao aumento da imigração. Em 1830, a população de Manaus era de 3.000 habitantes; em 1880, passa a 50.000 habitantes.
Uma das expressões da riqueza gerada pela borracha é o suntuoso Teatro Amazonas, em 1896. Mesmo as ruas do seu entorno foram calçadas com borracha, para que os espetáculos não sofressem a interferência do tráfego de carruagens.
Em 1906, já estavam sendo exportadas mais de 80.000 toneladas de látex para todo o mundo
Mas, já a partir de 1875, o botânico inglês Henry Wickman, a serviço do Império Britânico, havia coletado sementes da seringueira no vale do Tapajós, enviando-as para Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, do Jardim Botânico de Londres. Posteriormente, o material foi levado para ascolônias britânicas, na Ásia, inciando-se o processo de multiplicação da Hevea brasiliensis no Sudeste Asiático, sobretudo na Malásia. Ali a produção acabou por superar a do Amazonas. Em consequência, inicia-se o esgotamento do ciclo da borracha, com um gradual esvaziamento econômico da região.
Atualmente, o Estado de São Paulo é o maior produtor nacional de borracha natural, apontam as estatísticas. Recentemente a demanda por borracha tem crescido muito devido à qualidade do material em comparação com os materiais de origem fóssil, e às preocupação com omeio ambiente. Apesar de novos estados como Mato Grosso, estarem também produzindo borracha, o Brasil só produz 35% do que consome, ou seja, grande parte da borracha consumida é importada.

Muslim Labour Market Participation Project

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The Queensland Department of Employment and Industrial Relations (DEIR) Muslim Employment Workers Project is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to a National Action Plan to build on social cohesion, harmony and security. It is supported by the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA). 

This project, and the Muslim Youth Workers Project, (administered by the Queensland Department of Communities) are also important components of the Queensland Government’s Muslim Community Engagement Strategy to promote positive community relations with Muslim communities.

Current employment and workplace issues experienced by Muslim workers and job-seekers include:

• The unemployment rate for Australian Muslims is significantly higher than the national average, although Muslims have a higher level of education.
• Muslims, both female and male, have reported discrimination both in obtaining and retaining a job.
• There is a need to identify barriers facing these job seekers, and to investigate options to overcome those barriers.
• Job Network providers need information, incentives and training to understand Muslim culture and employment and workplace relations issues with a view to improving the capacity of Job Network to better service this client group.
• More Australian Muslim job seekers need to be linked to Job Network and other related services such as, Green Corps, New Apprenticeships and Disability Employment Services.
• Australian Muslim job seekers need information about employment discrimination laws.

Muslim Employment Workers

Mr Abdullah Ibrahim and Ms Sushil Sami, Muslim Employment Workers, both identify with the Islamic faith and are now employed by ACCES Services Inc. to engage in activities to support unemployed Muslim people and young Muslims. 

Mr Ibrahim and Ms Sami will provide a high level of case management services. They will have a particular focus on examining the barriers to employment for Muslim people and engaging in strategies to overcome these barriers in order to increase the involvement of Muslim people in the workforce. Additionally, Mr Ibrahim and Ms Sami will provide education and training to service providers in the employment sector, and raise awareness of the employment needs of Muslim people and the barriers they face.

Mr Ibrahim and Ms Sami are based at 2/4 Carmody Street, Logan Central.

Target clients

The target group for the services of the Muslim Employment Workers will be Muslims who are either unemployed or underemployed, with a focus on young people aged between 17 and 24 years.

It is acknowledged that Muslim people are not a homogenous group. For the purposes of this project, Muslim people are regarded as a diverse group who may identify with the Islamic faith. This group may or may not speak fluent English and may include:

• New immigrants from many areas including: the Middle East, Indian sub-continent, Africa, Fiji, Indonesia and Malaysia.
• Second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth generation Australians who are followers of Islam.

While the Muslim Employment Workers will be primarily engaged in the region surrounding South Brisbane, Woodridge, Kingston, Beenleigh, Eagleby, Kurabey, Darra and Mount Gravatt, it is also expected that they will provide a level of outreach in areas such as Ipswich, Gold Coast and Beaudesert to ensure broader access to the service.

Duration of project

The Muslim Employment Workers will be employed in the target regions for an initial period of one year, and upon review, may be extended a further year (total two years). 

About ACCES Services Inc

ACCES Services Inc. has been funded under the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative to coordinate the Muslim Employment Workers Project as one of the strategies to provide employment assistance to unemployed Muslim people seeking entry into the labour market.

ACCES Services Inc. is a community based, not-for-profit organisation with office bases in the Logan and north Gold Coast regions, as well as outreach posts within the southern Gold Coast area. The organisation has operated since 1987 delivering a diverse range of settlement services, employment and training programs and welfare support assistance to some of the region’s most seriously disadvantaged and marginalised people.

More information
For further information on the Muslim Employment Project please contact:

Muslim workers agree on religious accommodations

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After a year of negotiating and two EEOC lawsuits, Gold’n Plump Inc. of St. Cloud granted Muslim workers an extra 10-minute break for prayers and allowed them to refuse to work with pork products.
The settlement came a week after the EEOC filed a lawsuit accusing the meat processor of prohibiting prayer.
The EEOC also filed suit against St. Paul-based Work Connection, the employment agency that hired Gold’n Plump workers, for requiring Muslim applicants to sign a release saying they might be required to handle pork.
Gold’n Plump spokeswoman Lexann Pryd-Kakuk said the changes applied to all employees in one section of the plant—not just Muslims—and were meant “to satisfy the needs of many employees, and not just the few.”

Record number of Muslim workers filing complaints of employment discrimination

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Muslim Workers Face Increasing Employment Discrimination

مكتب التوظيف السعودي -عامل التوظيف بنت

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إخواني الأعزاء
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مكتب التوظيف السعودي في شارع عبد الله الكاتب بالدقي،
إما أن تنزل محطة مترو الدقي وتسأل، 
أو محطة الأوبرا وتمشي في حدود 10 دقائق على الوصف التالي:
تخرج من المترو في إتجاه فندق شيراتون القاهرة هتلاقي كوبري صغير عديه تجد الفرع الرئيسي لبنك فيصل وصنم لطه حسين ومركز شرطة، إكسر يمين وامشي على الكورنيش هيقابلك بنك عودة و بعده البنك الأهلي سوسيتيه جنرال، إدخل في أول شارع شمال بعد البنك وامشي 100 متر هتلاقي المكتب على شمالك.

لا تنسى أن تأخذ صور شهاداتك لأنك هتدوخ هناك على مكاتب التصوير.
تليفون 0237625688
فاكس 0233368057 

وإليكم الخريطة كما تبدو بالقمر الصناعي

المؤسسة السعودية للتعليم و التدريب هي مؤسسة غير هادفة للربح تقدم خدماتها في مجال التعليم و التدريب لأبناء وبنات الأسر السعودية حيث تعمل كحلقة وصل بين المتبرعين و المستفيدين من هذه الخدمات و الجهات التدريبية المعتمدة. مكتب التوظيف: إنطلاقا من أهداف المؤسسة السعودية للتعليم و التدريب (غير هادفة للربح) في مساعدة الشباب و الفتيات من أبناء الأسر السعودية المحتاجة في مجال التعليم و التدريب و امتدادا لتقديم خدمات شاملة لهؤلاء المستفيدين فقد أنشأت المؤسسة مكتبا للتوظيف "غير هادف للربح" يقوم بمساعدة مخرجات المؤسسة من المتدربين و كذلك من المتقدمين للحصول على فرص في سو ق العمل .

The Public Muslim Employment

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Muslim workers needed in Saudi Arabia

THE Public Employment Service Office (Peso) will facilitate a job recruitment activity together with the Augustine International Center Incorporated to hire Muslim workers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

The job recruitment activity will be held at the Peso located at the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) in Sta. Barbara
CSWDO head and Peso Manager Francisco Barredo is inviting all Muslim job seekers to attend the preliminary interview. Barredo said some 500 skilled workers are needed.

Additionally, Barredo said the qualified applicants shall be entitled to two-year employment contract with free food, transportation and accommodation.
Free air tickets shall also be provided from Manila to KSA and from the KSA to Manila upon completion of contract.
Job orders include masons, carpenters, steel fixers, painters, tillers, data entry operators, timekeepers, electricians, insulators, pipe fitters, scaffolders and trailer drivers.
Barredo is advising all interested applicants to bring their resume, driver's license, latest two-by-two picture, passport if available and other pertinent documents

مدرسة موحدة - Overcoat Halal

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Matrix Neo Coat(Wool Long Overcoat)

Modest Dress
Islam calls people to modesty and humility, in both dress and manner. Traditional clothing for Muslim men and women reflect these values, although colors and styles vary throughout the Muslim world.

Islamic Clothing

Answers to your most common questions about Islamic clothing: Why do Muslims dress in distinctive clothing? Don't they get hot? What do the different colors and styles of dress mean, and what are they called? What's the difference between a chador, abaya, and jilbab? What do they call the "hijab" in English? Where can Muslims buy this type...

Islamic Clothing Requirements

What are the Islamic clothing requirements for men and women? What rules do Muslims follow in this regard, and what are they based upon?

Islamic Clothing Glossary

Muslims generally observe modest dress, but the variety of styles and colors have various names depending on the country. Here is a glossary of the most common names of Islamic clothing for both men and women, along with photos and descriptions.

Online Islamic Clothing Stores

Many Muslims buy their clothing while travelling in the Muslim world, or sew their own. But the Internet is now allowing Muslims from all over the world ready access to a growing number of online Islamic clothing stores. These stores offer clothing for Muslim men, women, and children such as hijab, abaya, jilbab, niqab, shalwar khamiz, thobes,...

Are You Jesus' Mommy?

Children (and even some adults) often ask funny questions of Muslim women, such as: "Are you Jesus' mommy?"

Share Your Story - Funny Questions for Muslim Women

Children (and even some adults) often ask funny questions of Muslim women, such as: "Are you Jesus' mommy?" What funny questions and comments have you heard? Share your story.

Am I allowed to wear Islamic clothing when having ID photos taken?

Increasingly in the news, Muslims are being denied the right to have ID photos taken while wearing Islamic clothing such as hijab. What are the rules?

Muslim Girls & Hijab FAQ

At what age are Muslim girls expected to start wearing the hijab, or Islamic headcovering?

Islamic Swimwear

Active Muslim women like to participate in water sports, but often feel limited by the sports clothing available. Women who observe hijab choose to wear clothing that is loose in shape, and covers the entire body except the face and hands. A growing number of retailers and specialty shops offer "Islamic swimwear" which balances modesty with... 

‏مليونية إتحاد عمال مصر الحر 27 مايو بالحسين تأييدا للمجلس العسكري

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Video Inspection and Certification Procedure of Halal - الفيديو والتفتيش الداخلي شهادة الحلال

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L 'affaire des produits Kenza et l'Instituto Halal
Correspondances reçues

Date 31 mai 2011 10:57
Objet :chaine produit Kenza validé par junta islamica Dios mio

salamalaikoum Junta islamica

Je viens de lire que vous avez validé une chaine de production pour les produits Kenza
apres que le consommateur francais à trouvé du porc dans le saucisson de veau halal.
En voyant l'usine de fabrication des produits Kenza, il est évident qu'il y a un gros problème.
Vous perdez de votre crédibilité en voulant rattrapper les erreurs de ce fabricant
qui fabrique dans une usine de porc.

C'est vraiment désolant, nous avons eu le même problème avec la mosquée
de Paris qui vient au secours de AFCAI pour certifier des poulets non halal Doux.
Il faut au contraire ne plus travailler avec ce genre de société qui ne cherche pas
a faire du halal, mais a gagner de l'argent sur le dos des musulmans sans respecter
le principe du halal
De plus la Malaisie comme je l'ai vu sur votre site a renouvelé sa confiance en votre
Dios mio que dieu nous aide sur le vrai chemin du halal

Réponse de l'Institutot halal
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 15:03:29 +0200
Subject: Re: chaine produit Kenza validé par junta islamica Dios mio!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Sir Abdelatif
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatu Alah wa barakatuhu,
I do apologize, but really don´t understand very well the information that
you have sent me. I guess that you are complaining because the Halal institute
has granted a halal certificate for the Company Embutidos Caula.

I need more information about your claim, otherwise, we cannot do anything.
This company has made and investment in order to have a separate line for halal
productions of Sausages.
Some of the Halal suppliers of raw materials are in France. We know that
there are things to be changed and that Muslim must get in action concerning
the halal industry, but it doesn´t worth the attitude of some Muslims which
are trying to defame and disrupt the work of other Muslims.

So, i do apreciate you comments dear brother, but we need that you give
proofs if you wnat to complaint about a company or halal product, because
we are muslims like you and we want to have "real" halal products.

We spend huge efforts, time and money to educate the company and the market,
more than you could think about. So, please, take into account that regarding halal,
the Muslims in Europe are in the same boat. We are not here to gain money
or become rich, we are not such a ambitious. It is more than 30 years
that Junta islamica of Spain has been trying to contribute as much as possible
to develop the religious rights of Muslims.

It is very important that Muslims keep united and cooperate for the benefit of the umma.

Once again, I kindly appreciate your comments.
May Alah strengthen the umma of Islam
Best regards,
Muhammad Escudero Uribe 

HALAL : Maggi marque Nestlé , aucunes " garanties" de halal car le contrôle et la gestion qualité ne relevent pas les traces de porc?

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France :

MAGGI gamme halal l'intégrité du systéme de gestion ,

le controle qualité et la certification halal concédée

à SFCVH ne sont pas des garanties halal.

MAGGI gamme halal garantit l’absence de produits interdits :
porc, alcool, sang, sur son site internet sauf qu'il reconduit la même
société de certification des produits halal .

la société SFCVH qui a permi la commercialisation des produits avec
des traces de porc affaire Knacki Herta .

Négligence? manquement? ou autres les faits sont la :
La maison mére de Maggi, Nestlé écrit déclare mais reconduit les mêmes
prestataires de soi -disant certification halal SFCVH ,qui n'a pas fait le job .

Dans ce cas c'est plus que le caractére halal qui est en cause chez Nestlé ,
C'est bel et bien le contrôle qualité ,le choix des prestataires et la chaîne
des responsabilités à moins qu'a Vervey en suisse chez Nestlé Tracabilité
et normes ISO c'est de la communication et tous les produits de la marque
Nestlé seraient de qualité douteuse .